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The Content Writing Process can be interesting. For both parties!

As someone hiring a writer, you have to share what you know about your business freely.

As a writer, you have to be a quick learner and read between the lines.

So, how does someone who doesn’t know your business or even your industry, write website content for you?

Here’s the content writing process I use at Pink Toad Studio.

The Content Writing Process Pink Discover Dot

First, we chat

The first step in the content writing process is a conversation about your business and your industry. I take time to get to know you and what you want to say to your customers.

I take the time to listen carefully about the history of your industry and all the new things coming up. I’ll ask about great resources for information. Trade magazines, websites.

I’ll learn all we can about your business and how it fits in with your industry. What makes it special? What are your specialties?

Things like how long you’ve been in business and plans for the future will also be part of the conversation.

The more I can learn about you and your business, the better content I can write for you!

Here are some industries I’m already involved in:

  • Restaurant & bar
  • Hair salon
  • Working from home
  • Project management
  • Software development
  • Apple products
  • Cottage life
  • Pets, pet care
The Content Writing Process Pink Brainstorm Dot

Come up with 3 or 4 topic ideas

3 seems like a good start for blog post topics. 4 is even better!

Sometimes these ideas come up during our initial conversation and that’s great! When that happens we can skip right to the next step.

If the 3 or 4 topic ideas don’t come right up, I take some time to go over all the information about you, your business, and your industry to come up with ideas myself.

Once I have a topic list, I get you to review it to pick the one you’d like to start with. The other ideas can be saved for another time.

The Content Writing Process Pink Outline Dot

Decide what we’re going to say about a topic

Now that we know our topic, I can create an outline. We come up with a title, a short introduction, 3 subheadings, 3 details within each of those subheadings and a short summary.

Once I think the outline looks good, I hand it back to you for your stamp of approval. At this point I can make changes until you’re happy.

Then, with you on board, we move on to the next step…

The Content Writing Process Pink Writing Dot

Now we get down to work

This, for me, is the fun part. Taking the outline and creating a blog post. Finding just the right words to put in just the right places.

I take the subheadings and detail descriptions and turn them into paragraphs of relevant information for your blog post. The introduction and summary are fleshed out to tell your readers what’s coming and to remind them what was covered.

Pink Review Dot

Back to you to for any final tweaks

With all the writing done, I send it back to you for one last review. At this point you’re able to make any last minute changes.

Once you’re happy with it, I get your sign off then it’s back to us for the last pieces of the puzzle.

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We make sure it’s ready for prime time

Spellcheck, grammar check, fact check – again, link check. Our certified proofreader makes sure it’s all perfectly ready for your blog.

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Back to you for posting!

The work is done. We’ve taken a topic relevant to your business and created an attention-grabbing blog post just for you. The blog post has been reviewed, edited, checked, and polished.

Now it’s ready to post on your blog. Woohoo!

It’s not a simple or quick process but content writing can be a great way to attract customers to your website.

And, as I get to know you, your business, and your industry better the content gets better and better.

Although I don’t offer the Content Writing service any more, I do offer other great services. Check them out here!