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Embracing the Grey Zone

Embracing the Grey Zone

Embracing the Grey Zone was a blog about aging well. I started it when I first left the corporate world and was trying to figure out what was next. It turned out to be short-lived but I had a great time designing the website! I still think there are some good features...
Using Images on Your Website

Using Images on Your Website

Using images on your website is a great way to get your visitor’s attention. Images can make your message clearer to your reader. A great image that’s meaningful to your page or post can entice a visitor to stay longer and check out more. Images can have...
The Tools I Use to Run My Business

The Tools I Use to Run My Business

The tools I use to run my business changed after I left the corporate world and started out on my own. Aside from creating great websites, Pink Toad Studio is a small business just like yours. I still have everyday business tasks – time and money management,...
Are You a Procrastinator?

Are You a Procrastinator?

Are you a procrastinator? I’m not usually but sometimes… I just can’t get in the groove to do anything. This week was one of those weeks when everything was a struggle. Even normally simple things like writing a Facebook post. And because everything...
How I Stay on Track

How I Stay on Track

How I stay on track… Hmmm. Insert belly laugh here. I haven’t done a very good job of staying on track this week. And today I figured out why. I have not been practicing the “Art of Refocus”. It has been a week filled with distractions. Some...